Peter Billiou/BilyeuMargrita Unknown

Peter Billiou/BilyeuMaria Unknown

Isaac Bilyeu

l i n k s
Children with:
Mary Ann Workman

John Witten Bilyeu
Isaac (unconfirmed) Bilyeu
Jacob Bilyeu
Mary Ann Bilyeu
Rachel Bilyeu
Elizabeth Louisa Bilyeu
Lydia Ann Bilyeu
Diannah Bilyeu
Margaret Ann (Peggy Ann) Bilyeu
Stephen (Steven) Bilyeu
Isaac Bilyeu
  • Born: 1780, Green River, Green, KY
  • Married to Mary Ann Workman
  • Died: After 1860, Carroll Co., Ark (buried at Indian Creek)

    Notes for ISAAC BILYEU:
    Isacc and brothers John, and William volunteered from Overton Co., Tn., in Bradley's 1st Regt. of Tenn., in the campaign against the Creek Indians; (War of 1812).
    The three brothers along with another brother, Andrew Bilyeu all came to Sangamon Co., Ill., for awhile then all moved to Miller Co., Mo., about 1830;(at this date Miller was not organized and the area where they settled was in Crawford Co., Mo.)

    1820 Census, Overton Co., Tenn. pg. 9
    Bilyeu, Isaac age 26-45, Female 26-45, Male 16-25, Male 16-18, Male 10-16, Female 10-16, (4) Females 0-10.

    1830 Census, Sangamon Co., Ill. pg. 143
    Bilyeu, Isaac 50-60, Female 40-50, Male 20-30, Female 15-20, (2) Females 10-15, Female 5-10, Male 5-10.

    1840 Census, Miller Co., Mo. Glaze Twp. No. 197/197
    Bilyeu, Isaac 50-60, Female 50-60, Male 10-15 Steve.

    1850 Census, Taney Co., Mo., James Twp. No. 197/197
    Bilyeu, I. 70 M Va. Property $300.
    M.A. 65 F Md.
    S.T. 23 M Ky. (Steve)
    F. 20 F Mo. (wife of Steve Fannie Baker)
    S.E. 3 F Mo.
    A.J. 2 M Mo.

    Stone Co., Mo., was organized in 1851, James Twp. was included in Stone Co., Mo. after it's organization.

    Indications are that Isaac and family left Tenn. about 1824. Their youngest child, Stephen shows a birth place as Ky., in 1825 (probably in transit). In 1829 they were found in Sangamon Co., Ill. Soon afterwards they moved to Miller Co., Mo. By or before 1838 they were in Carroll Co., Ark., where John Witten Bileu was appointed as first Postmaster for Kings River, Arkansas on 7 September 1837. In 1840 they were in Miller Co., Mo., again.

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