David Taylor, son of William Taylor and Mary Battle of Beach Run, Edgecombe County, NC, was born about 1747, possibly in Northampton County, NC. David Taylor died in Robertson County, TN. His death date is estimated to be between 1806-1810. Jean Durrette, a Robertson County researcher/historian, now deceased wrote: "In 1810 several members of Red River petitioned for the formation of a new church more conveniently located to their homes. David's name didn't appear among the petitioners. For this reason, I believe that David died between 1806 and 1810 although I can find no record in the probate books to indicate this. …the division of his property didn't take place until 1822. It seems reasonable to assume that Elizabeth died about 1822 and that she had retained the property during her lifetime." David Taylor married Elizabeth (maiden name unknown), born between 1755 and 1773 and died about 1822. David and Elizabeth Taylor were in Robertson County, TN by 1803. 1. David Taylor, b. c. 1780, d. 1843, married his first cousin, Mary Taylor, b. c. 1780, d. aft. 1830. Mary was d/o Mills and Treasy Taylor. Children: David Taylor, b. c. 1802, d. Oct 1879, md. Penelope Mason, b. c. 1803, d. aft. 1860; Mills Taylor, b. 24 Sep 1806, d. 7 Jan 1879, md. Temperance Burns Mason, b. 17 May 1814, d. 26 Dec 1889. She was d/o Isaac Gilbert Mason & 2nd wife, Elizabeth Haney. Martin Taylor, b. c. 1809, d. 1841, md. Catherine Jones, b. c. 1811, d. 13 Jan 1893, md. Catherine md. (2) Wesley W. Guynn/Guinn; 1810/1815 and 1815/1820; 1877, md. Martha Jane Smith, b. c. 1823, d. 30 Apr 1881; David C. Taylor, b. 1824 /1826. | ||||
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